Svi zadivljeni ljepotom svijeta oko nas, i zaintrigirani čudom života koji živimo i kojim smo okruženi , zastaju začuđeni bogatstvom i snagom života, zadržani opojnom pjesmom kojom sve živo i neživo slavi život i Tvorca. Zastajemo, i slušamo taj, često nečujni, snažni i divni jezik. Te opojne pjesme života, kroz muzička djela, zapliću se u žice moje gitare, odzvanjaju u srcu, tražeći da ih raspletem, shvatim, doživim i pokažem ih drugima. I ja ih otvaram, sa manje ili više uspjeha, koliko Bog dopušta, čisteći srce svoje od korova, i tražeći u njemu pupoljke koji bi mogli da se rascvjetaju u pjesmu, poput pjesnika koji traži način da otvori ”semenku u kojoj nežno čami proleće”, ili ”kam koji prećuta zvezde svojoj tami”.
Nadam se da će ova muzika zazvučati i u vašim srcima, kao eho pobjedonosne životne radosti oko nas.
(Iz teksta bukleta mog albuma “Life & Music – Život i muzika”).
All those impressed by the beauty of the world around us, intrigued by the miracle of life we live and which we are surrounded by, stop in astonishment at richness and power of life, halted by that sweet music of everything animate and inanimate that praises life and the Creator. We stop and listen to that, usually inaudible yet powerful and beautiful language. The sweet music of life entangles in the strings of my guitar through music pieces, resonates in my heart, asking me to disentangle it, to apprehend it, to experience it and to show it to others. And I open it, with more or less success, according to God’s will, cleansing my heart from weed, seeking for buds that would blossom into a song, just like a poet looking for ways to “open the seed in which the forgotten spring lies languishing”, or to open “a stone, which kept the stars secret to his darkness.” I hope that this music will resonate in your hearts too, like an echo of a victorious joy of life that surrounds us.
(Excerpt from booklet of my album “Life & Music”).